Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 03/11/2024 - 10:46

It’s well known that US child care has faced hardships in recent years. The costs of care are out of reach for many families, yet child care businesses continue to close their doors due to low profit levels, often as pandemic-era government funding comes to a halt.

Affordability aside, there are also not enough child care seats to cover all children requiring care. In Idaho alone, around 74,670 kids need child care but there are only 55,850 slots. This leaves nearly 20,000 children without the seats they need — and leaves their parents without the ability to work.

These challenges negatively affect children, parents, the workforce, and the overall economy. When we find ways to increase affordable, high-quality child care slots, each one of these areas can be improved. 

What is the best way to increase child care capacity? Idaho is a prime example where they are focusing on opening and expanding child care programs in addition to investing in existing licensed and certified programs through training, support and business tools. I am running a few minutes late; my previous meeting is running over.

Support and Funding to Start a Small Child Care Program or Expand

A recent partnership between the Idaho Workforce Development Center and Wonderschool will offer two types of support for individuals who are interested in starting a new child care business: funding and training. Funding amounts for aspiring child care providers can include up to $15,000 per full-time child care slot, for their first 12 seats. Current providers, who wish to grow from 12-24 slots, can also receive the same amount as new programs — up to $15,000 per new, full-time child care seat. 

This money can be used for:

  • Start-up and operational costs
  • Supplies and equipment
  • Learning materials
  • Staffing costs
  • Licensing
  • Professional development
  • And more.

Wonderschool’s training covers the ins and outs of starting and/or running a successful child care business. Advice is given in the forms of online courses and one-on-one coaching sessions. 

For example, Wonderschool’s business “boot camp” focuses on:

  • Training on how to start or run a successful business
  • One-on-one coaching
  • Support with starting or expanding your program
  • Support with applying for grant funding from The Idaho Workforce Development Council (grants are due April 1, 2024).

Also included are a variety of digital resources, such as a free website and access to a complete

child care management system.

Sign up for this support here. 

Learn more about the program in this interview with Idaho News 6:

Support and Funding for Existing Licensed and Certified Programs 

Licensed and certified child care businesses in Idaho can also access coaching and tools to help grow existing programs. These programs are offered by Wonderschool in partnership with the Idaho Association for the Education of Young Children.

Wonderschool support for existing licensed and certified providers include:

  • A new website
  • Increased visibility via Wonderschool’s online Child Care Finder
  • Access to Wonderschool’s free child care management system for tuition collection, parent communication, expense tracking, and more
  • Membership in an online community of quality child care providers
  • One-on-one business coaching and support.

Get access to this offered support and resources by signing up here. 

Both in-home and centers have benefited from Wonderschool's tools and coaching support for licensed and certified programs. Kelsie Worman from Shooting Stars Childcare & Learning Center has saved time and money by using Wonderschool to communicate easily with parents and using simplified billing. 

Improvements to Watch For in Idaho’s Child Care Industry

The increase in child care seats is expected to bring a multitude of benefits to the state of Idaho. These changes will be felt by families, businesses, the workforce, and the economy. 

Improvements to watch for include:

  • More quality child care options that parents can trust
  • Shorter child care wait lists for parents (current wait times are up to 2 years)
  • Additional parents in the workforce
  • A better workforce due to fewer child care-related employee shortages
  • An improved economy due to workforce improvements

How to Access Available Training and Funds

Are you thinking about starting a small child care program or expanding an existing one? Sign up here to get access to coaching, support and funds to get you there.

Are you an existing licensed and certified provider? Get access to coaching, support and more by signing up here.

Wonderschool is committed to helping your business succeed, whether you are just starting or looking to build a more sustainable business. If you have questions about the process or prefer to get things moving immediately, get in touch and we will respond shortly.




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