Beginning August 1, 2022, two thousand childcare providers and workers licensed in Boise will be eligible to apply for a one-time payment of $1,500. The Childcare Incentive Pay program accounts for $3 million of the $34 million in American Rescue Plan funding that is being directed into the community to serve Boiseans who have been hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Applications are scheduled to be open August 1 – 31, and checks will be issued October through November.
“Childcare providers are vital to the health of our workforce and our economy,” said Mayor McLean. “When the pandemic hit our community, the childcare industry was severely impacted. I am proud to partner with Idaho AEYC to support our childcare workforce. Investing in quality, affordable childcare is a direct investment in our community.”
The city is partnering with the Idaho Association for the Education of Young Children (IDAEYC), a non-profit organization that has deep roots in advancing early childhood education by supporting providers and the children they serve. IDAEYC will work with licensed childcare workers in Boise to ensure all providers have the opportunity to participate in the program.
“The Covid-19 pandemic emphasized the important role that skilled, reliable childcare has in our community. Idaho AEYC is thrilled to help distribute this well-deserved incentive pay to childcare providers so they may continue to focus on delivering quality care to children in Boise,” said Beth Oppenheimer, Executive Director of the Idaho Association for Young Children.
For more information on the Childcare Incentive Pay Program, visit Idaho AEYC's Grant Opportunities or Contact us.